Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Summer trip 2011 as of July 19th, 2011.

The summer trip has been good so far. On July 1st, we went to Geno's near Boston Massachusetts. On July 4th, we went to Pete's near Annette's house. Annette is Geno's sister. The next day, we went back home for a break. The next day, we went to Holly's because we were pet sitting while they were on vacation. While we were there, we went to the swimming pool at Caledonia State Park about 5 times. On July 18th, which is yesterday, we went to Scott Shoemaker's in Ohio. Today, we mite go to the water park. The plans for today depends on the weather. Tomorrow, we will start our road to Minnesota to see my grandparents and father. Hopefully, the whole trip will be great.

The end of 6th grade and pre-start of 7th Grade

In the past two months, I finished 6th grade and I am going to 7th Grade at Longwood Junior High School. On June 2nd, 2011, I had a tour at the Junior High School. We switch classes every hour or 40 minutes. When you're there, you have lunch for 39 minutes and no recess. You can get homework help after school. If you're a part of the Special Education Department. I felt sad to leave the Middle School. I had a great time at the Middle School. I hope that 7th Grade will be more successful than other grades. In order to play school sports, you'll have to get certain grades. Also, you'll have to probably get an 85 or over to run the student government in 7th Grade like 6th Grade. 
If you would like to find more information, you can look at a website called : http://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/